Avian Influenza: “The Next Pandemic.”

Avian Influenza - the different strains/mutations of it - is a zoonotic virus that has been an issue for both avian and human health for many years. Now, once again, it is rising in the world in 2021-2022 and posing serious threats on multiple levels: most devastatingly on the lives of birds like chickens and turkeys, waterfowl and raptors - but human health is also being affected, and there is always the concern that viruses will mutate and could get more serious.

The current strains of Avian Influenza are “Highly Pathogenic,” meaning they spread very easily. The two types of HPAI currently wreaking havoc in the world are H5N1 and H5N6. While both forms are zoonotic, H5N1 has not become an immediate threat to humans (there has only been one human case noted, in the U.K.) But while H5N6 has only been found in Asia in a very small number of people, it is of great concern because it has killed 75% of humans who have gotten the virus.

But tragically, the mortality rate in chickens and turkeys is an horrific 90%. We must care about these victims, care about their suffering, and count the loss of their lives as significant when assessing the true severity of HPAI as an issue of concern. We must make no mistake that for avians, HPAI is already devastating. Humans must awaken and pay attention to “the canaries in the coalmine” because what is an issue for these innocent birds will become an issue for humans. In fact, scientists have already referred to Avian Influenza as most likely “the next pandemic.”

HPAI is already a pandemic - for Avians.

Since December, poultry “producers” in the U.S. have had to “cull” (i.e. mass-kill in a concentrated, concerted effort) more than 25 million birds to try to stem the outbreaks. In Europe, Asia and Africa, tens of millions more birds have been killed in response to outbreaks. Other euphemisms for this type of tragic and frenzied industrialized mas-slaughter in response to an outbreak of illness are “depopulate” and “humanely slaughter.” Words are used to try to downplay the horror of these mass-killing methods, but in truth, there is nothing humane about them at all. For chickens and turkeys and other avians, HPAI is already a tragedy on a scale that is staggering.

The bird flu that struck in 2014 - 2015 resulted in the deaths of approximately 50 million birds and as always, much was made of the monetary loss to the poultry industry - which amounted to billions of dollars. Few mourned the avian lives lost.

Wild birds are targeted by farmers and in the media as carriers and spreaders of the virus, since birds like Canadian Geese can carry HPAI, unaffected themselves, and spread it through their droppings to farmed, domesticated birds. But just like all zoonotic disease - one can determine that these outbreaks are very much a product of animal agriculture and human activity.

In farming animals, we seize wild spaces and take them for agricultural use, forcing wild animals to struggle to exist around our human spaces. Then we crowd domesticated animals together on smaller parcels of land, making it easy for diseases to spread. Just like all the information shared on this website about how zoonotic diseases jump from wild animals to farmed animals to humans, human activity and decision-making is at the root of creating the powder kegs that allow zoonotic diseases to flourish.

This disease has had a most devastating effect on the organizations that rescue and care for chickens, turkeys, gamebirds and waterfowl - leading to all birds being kept in a form of lockdown quarantine, since the virus can get tracked into coops and housing and paddocks via human caregiver’s boots or clothing or supplies, or it can be moved from farm to farm via vehicles like trucks and cars.

Also tragically, this current HPAI H5N1 outbreak has been called one of the most brutal and serious that has been seen in many years, due to how widely and rapidly it is spreading and also because at the time of this writing, it seems to be affecting wild birds in record numbers. Many owls, eagles and hawks are dying from HPAI. This week (4/20/22) it was found in the first mammal - a fox in Japan. Seals in (Norway?) have died of HPAI as well.

Please stay tuned as we continue to update this article, as the situation progresses.

Writer/Research contributors:
Rebecca Moore, Institute for Animal Happiness
Miriam Chisholm, NY Farm Animal Save
(research links below)


Below is a video of an online forum that was put together by Institute for Animal Happiness. There is a lot of good information being shared in the forum - we highly recommend you watch it and share with others who should have this information.


Links to articles for extended research:

U.S. records first case of highly contagious bird flu in human, health officials say (4/29/22)

A Brutal Wave of Bird Flu Spotlights the Need for a Poultry Vaccine

A new Bird Flu is here (4/9/22)

Bird flu reaches 1 million turkeys in Minnesota (4/6/22)

China Reports 2 new human cases of H5N6 (4/10/22)

China Reports 5 new human cases of H5N6 Bird Flu (1/14/22)

Virginia Poultry “Owners” alerted to Risks of Avian Influenza (1/21/22)

Thousands of Turkeys killed due to Bird Flu at Indiana Farm (2/11/22)

Avian Flu expands to Poultry in Kentucky and Virginia (2/14/22)

USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) website to see all the locations of outbreaks in the country listed

NY Poultry Farmers alerted after Bird Flu strain detected on Long Island (2/21/22)

Denmark Reports the 1st Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Case in Harbor Seal (2/19/22)

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Detected in Suffolk County (2/19/22)

12 European States REport Avian Flu in Poultry (2/21/22)

Federal Officials Confirm Bird Flu Detected in New York (2/19/22)

Bird Flu continues to spread in North America, Europe (2/6/22)

First Avian Flu Cases Reported in the Republic of Camaroon (2/16/22)

First case of Avian Influenza in “flock owner” in europe (2/6/22)

LI Animal Rights group Urgest nixing poultry after Bird Flu Found (2/21/22)

First Avian Influenza Cases confirmed in Burkina Faso (2/1/22)

Avian Influenza Found in Birds at Indian Turkey Farm, 29,000 killed (2/9/22)

India’s first human H5N1 Avian Influenza Case (2/9/22)

Bird Flu Spreading; Here are the Avian Influenza Outbreaks in Europe and Asia (11/16/21)

Rise in Human Bird Flu Cases Shows Risk (10/26/21)

China Reports Human H5N6 Avian Influenza case, the 27th this year (12/8/21)

New Bird Flu has a higher risk of spread to humans (1/5/22)

Aviain Influenza in China (H5N6) - three additional human cases, one death (7/24/21)

National Geographic: Deadly Bird Flu Threaten’s Israel’s Wildlife (1/10/22)

Sudden Spike in Human h5n6 Avian Flu cases a “cause for concern.” (10/26/21)

Avian Influenza Death Reported in India (7/21/21)

Workers assisting Iowa Bird Flu Outbreak owed 3 million in wages (1/21/22)

Goose Dies at Heidelberg Zoo Infected with Avian influenza (1/9/22)

NY Times: New Bird Flu Jumps to Humans… (4/26/21)

New Dutch H5N1 Bird Flu outbreak will see 190,000 chickens culled (1/5/22)

Science Focus: All You need to know about Avian Influenza (1/25/22)

Avian Flu Prompts Quarantine of one of Regions Largest Bird Rescues (2/22/22)

Tri-State Bird Rescue Quarantined after hawk tests positive for Avian Flu (2/22/22)

Highly Contagious Bird Flu Circulating in D.C. (2/23/22)

Spain Bird Flu Horror as nearly 300,000 birds slaughtered (2/11/22)

Maine’s 1st Avian Flu Outbreak “forces” couple to kill entire chicken flock

Biologist: Rabbits, Skunks can pass bird flu to ducks (5/17/16)

Bird Flu Spreads on US Poultry Farms (3/7/22)

Emiquon Nature Conservancy Closes due to Avian Flu (3/2/22)

Bird Flu Case “forces” killing of 5.3 MILLION chickens in Iowa (3/21/22)

Maine Family to lose all 70 Pet Birds to HPAI (3/18/22)

Wisconsin Egg Farm “composts” 275 MILLION chickens due to HPAI (3/29/22)

Avian Flu Could Threaten Eastern Poultry Flocks (3/29/22)

U.S. Considers Vaccines to Protect Poultry (4/4/22)

24 States Confirm “Bird Flu” Outbreak (4/5/22)

Lehigh Valley Zoo moves Poultry and Penguins indoors (4/6/22)

Bird Flu in Virginia (4/6/22)

Avian influenza now in 7 MN counties totaling 1.8 million birds (4-14-22)

NY implementing new measures to prevent spread of avian flu (4-14-22)

Highly contagious bird flu kills domestic parrots in Washtenaw County

Avian flu infects birds at two more Lancaster County commercial poultry farms: USDA

Over 200 birds are suspected to have died from the avian flu at a Chicago-area forest preserve